Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Updated Photo

Here's my principle: If your photo on the web is more than ten years old, you're either lazy or vain. (Well, Genius may be an exception!) Fancying myself neither and flirting with the ten-year mark, I've finally been forced to update.

Ah well. At least I'm already married!


  1. Lazy, vain or an aggressive marketer. In your remark about being married you more or less acknowledge as much. Anyway, it's strange for the Splintered Mind to be touting a single-motive explanation.... What have you done with the real Schwitzgebel, you aged doppelganger!?

  2. Oh that's very funny! My "mental image" of you was based solely on the old photo. It never occurred to me that it might not be a recent one. You have upset the equilibrium of my worldview!

  3. If you are already married, why do you let Trina Gonzales take your pictures?! :)

  4. I'm with Kenf, its a shock to the system!

    As for me - the photo is my daughter so it is just 1 year old, give or take! Her blogging style can be detected via the heavy use of the close half of the keyboard.
