Friday, February 29, 2008

Traveling to China

Next Friday, my family and I will fly to China for a couple weeks. If everything goes as planned, we'll come back with an adoptive daughter! We've been on the waiting list to adopt since 2005, and the waiting times have grown longer and longer. Originally we thought we'd travel in summer 2006. We've been waiting on tenterhooks ever since, and yesterday we finally got definitive permission to travel.

So we have a week to get ready for a two-week trip to China and for a new baby in the family. With that, and the term still in full swing, I'm afraid the blog will have to languish a bit. I hope to be able to post a couple things from China, but I'm not sure I'll have the opportunity: Last summer a reader told me The Splintered Mind is blocked there.


  1. Wow, that's really exciting. Congratulations and safe travels!

  2. Mazel tov! Or however they say that in Mandarin.

  3. Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

  4. That's fantastic, Eric! The wait sound excruciating. My partner and I had our hearts set on doing this since before we were married, but we simply found the cost to be prohibitive. The wait times are demoralizing too, I know.

    No matter how difficult the Mainland government makes it to adopt, though, it really is a noble thing to do.

  5. Congrats & have a wonderful trip!

  6. Thanks for all the good wishes, everybody! When we return, I'll post a picture.

  7. Congrats, Eric!!! What wonderful news!
