Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Australian National University

... has voted me a job offer. It's not fully official yet, but it's official enough that I will be flying my whole family to Australia to check out Canberra early next month.

(If it's on Leiter Reports, it must be true, right?)

Added March 17: I encourage prospective UCR graduate students whose decision would be influenced by my presence or absence from UCR to email me before making their own decision. My family and I will be visiting ANU from March 31 to April 8, and we're hoping to make the decision shortly thereafter -- though I can't guarantee that we will have decided by the April 15 deadline for graduate enrollment decisions.


  1. It would be good to have you in Australia! It's a great place to live, though sheer distance from, well, anywhere is a drawback

  2. As a prospective grad student at Riverside who's also interested in X-phi, I will obviously be awaiting your decision. (Although, who knows if it'll come in before April 15th.)

    In any case, congratulations.

  3. Congrats! Do you know whether you are happy about the prospect (joking!)?

  4. Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone!

    Jorgen: I hate putting you and other prospective and existing students in this awkward position. See my update today, and do please feel free to email me.

  5. Congratulations! That's really wonderful news!!

  6. Congratulations :)

    I remember checking out ANU a few years back online. Looks like a great place for empirically minded people :)

  7. Congratulations on the offer! That's really terrific!
