"Would You Shut Off a Robot Who Might Be Conscious?" -- 50 minute talk at Ruhr University Bochum, on YouTube.
"Eric Schwitzgebel: Metaphysics of Mind, Issues of Introspection, Ethics of Ethicists, Aliens and AI" -- a wide ranging two hour interview with Tevin Naidu at Mind-Body Solution, on
* YouTube
* Spotify
* Apple podcasts
* Google podcasts.
Digital Afterlives -- an hour-long YouTube conversation, pitched for a broad audience, at the UCR Palm Desert Campus with Susan Schneider and John M. Fischer on "uploading" your consciousness into computers and personal identity.
"Zombies" -- a 32 minute podcast on zombies (traditional, Hollywood, and philosophical) featuring Christina van Dyke, David Chalmers, John Edgar Browning, and some of my reflections on whether AI systems might be "zombies" in the sense of outwardly seeming to have consciousness but inwardly lacking it.
Isn't it today that consciousness can seem a seeing, listening or recording...
... what one thinks feels and senses...
That we can not function or behave or do consciousness...
...It may not be a moving part of the universe/cosmos...
More like space/time/material/conscious...
I guess a conscious robot is sorta the point of our AI speculations isn't it? So, a better course would be to figure out how it happened?
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